

How do the terms work?

Our classes correspond with the Queensland school terms. There are four terms per year.  Classes do not run during school holidays periods or on public holidays. 

2024 Term Dates

Term 1:   Monday 29th January  – Thursday 28th March

Term 2:   Monday 15th April – Friday 21st June

Term 3:   Monday 8th July – Friday 15th September

Term 4:   Monday 30th September – Saturday 7th December


When can I enrol my child?

Enrolment is open prior to Term 1, Term 2 and Term 3. We also offer mid-term enrolment/pricing if you are a little late to the party.


As a parent can I watch the classes?

We do have a ‘no class viewing’ policy in order for us to deliver focused & distraction free lessons, ensuring your child is getting the most out of every class.


What does my child need to wear?

We want your child to not only look the part but practice safely. Every class has a specific Uniform & Shoe requirement, these can be purchased at the studio for a low affordable price.


What if my child misses a lesson?

We have a flexible ‘make-up class’ policy. If for whatever reason you cannot make it to your regular class, you are welcome to attend any other class within the same level during that term.


Does my child get to perform?

Every child is invited to be apart of our annual end of year concert performance in December. Throughout the year we also offer different classes the chance to perform at local events like school fetes, Eisteddfod competitions, local Carols by Candlelight and other community/charity events. Students also have the opportunity to be selected for paid performance work through our live entertainment agency – Stardom Entertainment.



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